
Please carefully read the submission guidelines as follows:

  1. How to submission/Author Guidelines

All manuscripts can be submitted to KIRANA by Online Submission where author register as Author.  

  1. Manuscript Template

Manuscript should be prepared according to the following author guidelines in the MS Word manuscript template. The manuscript template can be downloaded below:


Manuscript Preparation Guidelines


  1. Title. The title should be brief, describe the uniqueness of the research, not exceed 20 words, and should begin with a capitalized letter for each word.
  2. Author’s name and affiliation. The author’s name should be included by affiliation (write completely) and email address, without the academic title.
  3. Abstract. The abstract is written in English, one paragraph with single spacing (maximum 250 words) without references or formulas. Keywords consist of 3-5 words or phrases (alphabetically). The abstract contains a brief description of the research background (maximum two sentences), aims, methods, main results, and conclusion.
  4. Introduction. The introduction is written without numbers and pointers. This section consists of (i) the nature and scope of the problem in a broader (national, regional, international) context, (ii) a review of relevant literature, (iii) the significance/novelty/contribution of this research on knowledge, (iv) aims of this research. If there is a hypothesis, declare it explicitly and not in an interrogative sentence. It should be written efficiently and supported by references. Extensive discussion of relevant literature should be included in the discussion, not in the introduction.
  5. Research Method. This section should explain how the research was conducted. It should be written clearly and completely containing a clear description of (i) population and sampling, (ii) data measuring and collecting, (iii) variable and data analysis. This research method should be sufficiently detailed. For qualitative research, please adjust this method to the scientific writing habits while considering the repeatability of the research.
  6. Result and Discussion. The beginning of the results and discussion presents the data and facts, calculated, and discovered. Data should be presented in Tables or Figures when feasible. The table should be clear and stand-alone, giving complete information without text. The title of Table and Figure should briefly and clearly describe the described facts. Symbols written in Tables and Figures should be given complete information and allow the reader to interpret the results. Each Figure and Table must be referred to in the narration. In the rest of the section, the author must discuss the research findings.
  7. Conclusion. This section summarizes the principal findings and is written briefly. The conclusion related to the introduction and aims or hypothesis but did not repeat the discussion. Conclusion written critically, logically, and honestly based on the existing facts, and full of cautions if there was a generalization. A recommendation showed the significance of the results/findings or practical application. This section, written in paragraph form, does not use numbering or bullets.
  8. Acknowledgments (if necessary). This section gave the authors gratitude to the research funder, facility, or suggestion and for the statement if the article is part of the thesis/dissertation. 
  9. Author contributions: for the article with several authors, please write each author's contribution in a brief paragraph. The authorship must be limited to those who have contributed, besides reading and agreeing on the final manuscript
  10. References. The reference contains the list of journals, books, or other publications referred to in this manuscript.


  1. The manuscript is written in quarto paper size, one column, and 1.5 spacing format. The new paragraph begins with six characters from the left side and uses Time New Roman font 12.
  2. The manuscript is written in English.
  3. The number of pages between 15-20, the margin on the left and upper sides is 3 cm, the right and bottom sides are 2.5 cm.
  4. The title is written uppercase (except preposition) using font size 14 with center alignment. The subtitle is written uppercase and uses font size 12 if there is a sub-subtitle, written capital each word except conjunction. Write capital for each word and italic model if there is a sub of sub-subtitle. Subtitle, sub-subtitle, and sub of the sub-subtitle are written on the left side.
  5. The citation is written by the American Psychological Association 6th Edition. Here are samples of citation: (Wong, Sharifuddin, Teng, Li, & Song, 2020); (Triyono, Kamardiani, & Prasetio, 2021); (Debertin, 2004); (Statistics Indonesia, 2020).
  6. The figure or table is made as close as possible to the explanation and put the number sequentially based on the site in the explanation. The source of data is better to be included.
  7. Tables consist of title and content. The line of the table just on the top and the bottom to separate between the title and the content of the table.