Current Issue

Vol. 4 No. 2: Nopember 2014
					View Vol. 4 No. 2: Nopember 2014

First Publication: 2011
Language: Indonesian
Publisher: Pusat Kajian Edukasi Anti Korupsi dan Pencucian Uang, University of Jember
Duration: Approx. 60 days of submission to decision
Frequency: 2 issues per year Acceptance
Rate: 40% of the total submissions
Audience: Scholars and practitioners with an acute interest in Anti Corruption Issues

Published (Back Issues): 26 Februari 2024 

Published: 2024-02-26


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JURNAL ANTI KORUPSI (JAK) is a peer-review and open access journal published by the Faculty of Law, University of Jember, Indonesia. The publication contains a rich store of legal literature analyzing legal development. This platform continues to advance the boundaries of anti-corruption issues by publishing cogent and timely articles, commentaries, and book reviews on a biannual basis. The journal covers both domestic and international legal developments. This platform provides a venue for distinguished scholars and new academics around the world to share their academic works. The publication is primarily dedicated to encouraging scholarly attention and advancing the intimate knowledge of recent discourses on corruption issues. This journal recognizes that the boundaries in the study of law have become increasingly porous. The publication in this journal reflects and values this intellectual cross-fertilization. 

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