Makna leksikal verba “memotong” dalam bahasa Madura di Desa Opo-Opo, Probolinggo: Kajian semantik
Residents of Opo Opo Village, Krejengan District, Probolinggo Regency, most of the people use the Madurese dialect. Researchers discovered the phenomenon of many words that have the same meaning, but have differences in the context of their meaning. This is found in the verb "cut" in Madurese which has many types of verbs in that word. The research aims to describe the lexical form and components of the lexical meaning of the verb "cut" in Madurese and its classification based on the source of energy, the object being cut, the nature of the object, the tool used, and the position of the cutting movement. The data analyzed in this research is data obtained directly from informants regarding the basic meaning and types of the verb "cut". The data collection process uses the “Simak Libat Cakap” (SLC) method with note-taking and recording techniques. The data analysis method is a qualitative descriptive method. The results of data analysis are presented using formal and informal data, formatting and informal methods, namely linguistics and binary symbols plus (+) minus (-). The results of the research show that there are types of "cutting" verbs that are found, such as the words ngettok [ŋəttב?] and meddhung [mɛdḍhuŋ]. Apart from that, the term "cutting" is also found which is used specifically for the purpose of asking for wages, such as ngalak opa ‘asking for wages’; kotingan [kבrtiŋan]; and persenan [percƐn].
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