• Saras Pujowati Diponegoro University
  • Udadi Sadhana Diponegoro University
  • Awal Prasetyo Diponegoro University


Buses are the most popular means of transportation and have the potential to spread the virus due to their high density in confined spaces, and poor air circulation. The application of the healthy triangle concept in the 'BIOSMART AND SAFE BUS' is an innovation by engineering the bus cabin environment in a 'smart' and 'safe'. Exposure to pollutants and microorganism in bus passengers will trigger an inflammatory response by increase TNF- α levels and dysfunction nasal mucociliary clearance. Therefore, further studies are needed on the examination of TNF-α levels and nasal mucociliary transport time in passengers on Bio smart and safe buses and regular buses. Analyzing differences in TNFα levels and Nasal Mucociliary Clearence (NMC) between passengers on Biosmart and Safe and Regular Buses before and after the trip. Quantitative research using quasi-experimental research design with pretest and post-test randomize control trial approach. Subjects were divided into two groups, the control group (regular bus passengers) and the treatment group (Biosmart and Safe Buspassengers) (n=86, each group n=43). Both were examined for TNF-α level and nasal mucociliary clearance, before and after treatment. Based on the analysis, the mean value of pretest in NMC for control group was 14.88 ± 6.34, post-test 17.79 ± 5.99. Pretest for treatment group was 13.79 ± 4.88 and post-test 15.51 ± 6.25. There was no significant difference between pretest and post-test of NMC between control and treatment group (P=0.321). The mean value in TNF-α of control group pretest was 0.18 ± 5.74 and post-test was 33.51 ± 4.50. The mean value of the pretest in the treatment group was 0.35 ± 8.20 and the post test was 33.12 ± 4.12. Data analysis of TNF-α pre, TNF- α post and TNF- α differences showed no significant difference between the treatment and control groups (P=0.476, P=0.674, P=0.769). The correlation test between the two groups found that NMC had no significant correlation with TNF-α (P=0.912). There are differences in the levels of TNF-α and NMC between regular and Biosmart and Safe Buspassengers. The levels of TNF-α and NMC is lower in Biosmart and Safe Bus, but the difference is not significant, NMC is not significantly correlated with TNF-α.


Bus merupakan alat transportasi darat yang berpotensi menyebarkan virus dikarenakan kepadatan yang tinggi di ruang terbatas, dan sirkulasi udara yang buruk. Pengaplikasian konsep segitiga sehat dalam ‘BIOSMART AND SAFE BUS’ merupakan inovasi dengan rekayasa lingkungan kabin bus secara ‘smart’ dan ‘safe’. Paparan polutan dan mikroorganisme pada penumpang bus akan memicu respon inflamasi dengan meningkatkan kadar TNF-α dan gangguan fungsi pembersihan mukosiliar hidung. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan studi lebih lanjut tentang pemeriksaan kadar TNF-α dan laju transport mukosilier hidung pada penumpang Biosmart and Safe Busdan bus reguler. Menganalisis perbedaan kadar TNF-α dan Laju transport mucosilier hidung (TMSH) hidung penumpang Biosmart and Safe Busdan Penumpang Bus Reguler sebelum dan sesudah perjalanan. Penelitian kuantitatif desain penelitian Quasi eksperimental dengan pendekatan pretest dan post randomize control trial. Subjek dibagi ke dalam dua kelompok, yaitu kelompok kontrol dan kelompok perlakuan (n=86, masing-masing kelompok n=43). Masing-masing kelompok diperiksa kadar TNF-α dan Laju transport mucosilier hidung sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis didapatkan nilai rerata pretest laju TMSH pada kelompok kontrol adalah 14,88 ± 6,34, post-test 17,79 ± 5,99. Pretest kelompok perlakuan 13,79 ± 4,88 dan post-test 15,51 ± 6,25. Selisih TMSH pre dan post kedua kelompok tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara bus kelompok kontrol dan perlakuan. (P=0,321). Nilai rerata pretest kelompok kontrol 0,18 ± 5,74 dan post-test 33,51 ± 4,50. Nilai rerata pretest kelompok perlakuan 0,35 ± 8,20 dan post-test 33,12 ± 4,12. Analisis data TNF-α pre, TNF-α post dan selisih TNF-α tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara kelompok perlakuan dan kontrol (P=0,476, P=0,674, P=0,769). Uji korelasi kedua kelompok didapatkan TMSH tidak berkorelasi signifikan terhadap TNF-α (P=0,912). Terdapat perbedaan kadar TNF-α dan TMSH pada pengguna bus reguler dan Biosmart and Safe Bus. Kadar TNF-α dan laju TMSH lebih rendah pada pengguna Biosmart and Safe Bus, namun perbedaan tidak signifikan, TMSH tidak berkorelasi signifikan terhadap TNF-α.

Author Biographies

Saras Pujowati, Diponegoro University

Postgraduate Student
Master in Biomedical Science,
Faculty of Medicine,
Diponegoro University,
Semarang, Indonesia

Udadi Sadhana, Diponegoro University

Department of Biomedical Science,
Faculty of Medicine,
Diponegoro University,
Semarang, Indonesia

Awal Prasetyo, Diponegoro University

Department of Pathology Anatomy,
Faculty of Medicine,
Diponegoro University,
Semarang, Indonesia

How to Cite
PUJOWATI, Saras; SADHANA, Udadi; PRASETYO, Awal. ANALYSIS OF TUMOR NECROSIS FACTOR-ALPHA (TNFΑ) LEVELS AND NASAL MUCOCILIARY CLEARANCE BETWEEN BIOSMART AND SAFE AND REGULAR BUS PASSANGERS. Prosiding Forum Studi Transportasi Antar Perguruan Tinggi, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 1, p. 136-148, july 2023. ISSN 2356-0509. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 24 jan. 2025.