Early Identification of Risk at Postpartum Depression Among Primipara Adolescent Mother and Adult Mother: A Comparative Analysis

  • Syastriani Isna Putri Syarif Politeknik Baubau, Kota Baubau, Sulawesi Tenggara, Indonesia


Introduction: Postpartum depression on porturition mother will cause big damage to mother, infant and family. The committed research shows that there is no clear result of depression if it connects to the age of mother during pregnancy, but that depression brings high result in postpartum periode. Purpose: The aim of research to know the difference between the risk of a occurence of postpartum depression to primipara adolescent mother and middle adulthood mother. Methods : this analitic survey with cross sectional approach. The sample size comprised 40 respondents with purposive sampling. Variable used on this study were demographical data as the dependent variables and independent variables who fulfilled inclusion criteria, and variable of confounding. After ensuring the distribution and normality of data, univarable analysis and bivariable analysis used unpaired statistic independent test t-test, multivariat analysis used multiple linear regression. Results : The primipara adolescent mother was risky to experience postpartum depression was 11 or 55,0% with average ±s.b 12,6±2,5 from 20 respondents, and primapara middle adulthood mother was not risky to experience postpartum depression was 17 or 85,0% with average ±s.b 6,6±3,4 from 20 respondents; pvalue<0,05 or 0,000<0,005; average difference CI95% 6,0 (4,0-7,9). Factor which dominated the occurence of postpartum depression was economy status and family support with pvalue 0,001<0,05, ANOVA test 0,000<0,05, and Rsquare 65,90%. Conclusion : The primipara adolescent mother was risky to experience the occurence of postpartum depression than primipara middle adulthood mother. From other variable, the factor which dominated the occurence of pospartum depression were economy status and family support.

Author Biography

Syastriani Isna Putri Syarif, Politeknik Baubau, Kota Baubau, Sulawesi Tenggara, Indonesia

Diploma Tiga Kebidanan, Jurusan Kesehatan


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How to Cite
SYARIF, Syastriani Isna Putri. Early Identification of Risk at Postpartum Depression Among Primipara Adolescent Mother and Adult Mother: A Comparative Analysis. NurseLine Journal, [S.l.], v. 7, n. 2, p. 111-117, nov. 2022. ISSN 2541-464X. Available at: <https://jurnal.unej.ac.id/index.php/NLJ/article/view/33375>. Date accessed: 08 july 2024. doi: https://doi.org/10.19184/nlj.v7i2.33375.

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