People Affected by Leprosy Needs During Rehabilitation in Community: Study of Health Care Provider Perceptions

  • Syahroni Bahtiar Puskesmas Rambipuji
  • Tantut Susanto Department of Community, Family, and Geriatric Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Jember
  • Dewi Rokhmah Public Health Faculty, Universitas Jember


Health care providers (HCPs) in Public Health Center (PHCs) have essential role to fulfil the various complexities of physical, psychological, economic, and social needs among people affected by leprosy (PALs) during treatment in communities. The complexity of these needs is important to prevent the stigmatization and discrimination of PALs for transmission and disability during their rehabilitation. Objective of this study to explore the experience of HCPs for fulfilling the PALs needs during attending community based rehabilitation in PHCs of Jember regency, Indonesia. A descriptive phenomenology was performed to HCPs during July to August 2020. In depth interview was saturated to six of HCPs who were responsibility to care PALs in community. Data was analyzed using systematic coding to all of verbatim of participants. Regarding our in depth interview for sixt of HCPs, we were identified of three of themes which explained into seven of subthemes and sixteen of categories. The main themes were adherence to treatment efforts, treatment to solve social limitation, and caring for preventing disability. The experiences of HCPs in caring for PALs during community based rehabilitation were identified in three main themes, namely: efforts to maintain adherence to treatment, efforts to prevent social barriers, and basic care to prevent disability. Therefore, regular visits through home visits can be carried out on PALs so that MDT compliance is good and reduces side effects. The formation of self-care groups is indispensable in teaching basic care skills in an effort to prevent future disability.

Author Biography

Tantut Susanto, Department of Community, Family, and Geriatric Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Jember

Family and Community Health Nursing Department, School of Nursing, Universitas Jember

Research interest on adolescent health, reproductive health, family and community health nursing, school health, and occupational health nursing


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How to Cite
BAHTIAR, Syahroni; SUSANTO, Tantut; ROKHMAH, Dewi. People Affected by Leprosy Needs During Rehabilitation in Community: Study of Health Care Provider Perceptions. NurseLine Journal, [S.l.], v. 5, n. 2, p. 254-260, feb. 2021. ISSN 2541-464X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 19 dec. 2024. doi: