Effect of Disaster Simulation Methods on Students Disaster Management Knowledge and Skills at STIKes Majapahit Mojokerto

  • Atikah Fatmawati Sekolah Tinggi ILmu Kesehatan Majapahit
  • Anndy Prastya STIKes Majapahit Mojokerto
  • Ika Suhartanti STIKes Majapahit Mojokerto
  • Fitria Wahyu Ariyanti STIKes Majapahit Mojokerto


Preparedness education for disasters is important because nurses must adapt to any conditions. But the phenomenon shows that not many nurses have the readiness and qualified experience in disaster relief efforts. The right step in improving the ability of nurses is to provide disaster education early on to nursing students. This study aims to determine the effect of disaster simulation methods on disaster management knowledge and skills in students at STIKes Majapahit Mojokerto. The design of this study was a pre-experiment with one group post-test only design. The sample of this research was all 7th-semester students of the Nursing Undergraduate Study Program at STIKes Majapahit Mojokerto with 21 respondents. The independent variable is the intervention of the disaster simulation method and the dependent variable is the knowledge and skills of disaster management. This study used a measuring tool in the form of a questionnaire sheet that was adopted and modified from the DPET (Disaster Preparedness Evaluation Tool) questionnaire. Analysis of the data in this study used the analysis of the mean. The study found that the mean value of disaster management knowledge and skills were at 4.50 (SD: 1.12) and 4.29 (SD: 1.04). The mean value is included in the moderate category. This disaster simulation method provides the opportunity and experience for students to be able to directly apply the theories obtained in class to situations that are made as closely as possible with disaster conditions. The results of this study are expected to be a reference in the development of more attractive and interesting learning methods on the topic of disaster management so that in the long run it can improve the ability of nurses in their roles when disasters occur.


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How to Cite
FATMAWATI, Atikah et al. Effect of Disaster Simulation Methods on Students Disaster Management Knowledge and Skills at STIKes Majapahit Mojokerto. NurseLine Journal, [S.l.], v. 5, n. 1, p. 220-224, july 2020. ISSN 2541-464X. Available at: <https://jurnal.unej.ac.id/index.php/NLJ/article/view/17057>. Date accessed: 04 july 2024. doi: https://doi.org/10.19184/nlj.v5i1.17057.

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