Exploration Factors Influencing Self-Efficacy in Patients with Heart Disease: A Literature Review

  • Aris Purnomo University of Indonesia
  • Tuti Herawati University of Indonesia
  • Sri Yoona


Heart disease is the top cause of death worldwide. Self-efficacy is one of the fundamental factors contributing to self-management programs among patients with heart disease. Cardiac patients with good self-efficacy will participate in disease management, improve health status, better self-care behavior, and a higher level of quality of life. Factors affecting self-efficacy need to be identified for stratified plan intervention strategies; therefore, the goal will achieve significantly. The Purpose of this study to identify factors that influence self-efficacy in patients with heart disease. Literature research from 2013-2019, obtained from the five largest databases consist of Pubmed, Google Scholar, CINAHL, Medline and PsycINFO by using keywords "Self Efficacy," "Cardiovascular Disease," "Heart Disease," and "Self Efficacy and Cardiovascular Disease "and Self Efficacy and Heart Disease". Five articles were further analyzed, and ten factors affecting self-efficacy are: 1) Age, 2) Income, 3) Social-economy, 4) Body mass index, 5) Experience on health education, 6) Risk factors awareness, 7) Social support,  8) Depressive symptoms, 9) Adherence and 10) Physical activity. The influence factors of self-efficacy, including demographic characteristics, clinical status, health education, awareness of risk factors, and psychosocial.

Author Biographies

Tuti Herawati, University of Indonesia

Department of Medical-Surgical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, University of Indonesia

Sri Yoona

Department of Medical-Surgical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, University of Indonesia


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How to Cite
PURNOMO, Aris; HERAWATI, Tuti; YOONA, Sri. Exploration Factors Influencing Self-Efficacy in Patients with Heart Disease: A Literature Review. NurseLine Journal, [S.l.], v. 5, n. 2, p. 285-292, feb. 2021. ISSN 2541-464X. Available at: <https://jurnal.unej.ac.id/index.php/NLJ/article/view/17005>. Date accessed: 19 dec. 2024. doi: https://doi.org/10.19184/nlj.v5i2.17005.