The Effect of Training on Preparedness Disaster on the Preparedness of Elementary School Children in Overcoming the Disaster of Volcano Eruption of Mount Egon in Lere Catholic Elementary School

  • Yuliani Pitang Universitas Nusa Nipa
  • Ode Irman
  • Yosefina Nelista


Introduction: Mount eruption can happen at any time without warning including during teaching learning proces in school time and the children are included into the the very susceptible group on disaster situation. Less preparedness causes the children be in critical situation. To increase children’s  preparedness could be done through the training on disaster preparedness in overcoming the disater caussed by volcano eruption. The aim of this research is to explain The Effect Of Training On Preparedness Disaster on The Preparedness of Elementary School Children in Overcoming The Disaster of Volcano Eruption of Mount Egon in Lere Catholic Elementary School. Method: This research is classified as quasi experimental with the research design one pre test post test design. The population on this research is all children of class IV and V in Lere Catholic Elementary School. The total number is 51 children. The sample used is systematic random sampling. The total number of sampling is 45 respondents. Result: There is effect of training on disaster preparedness on the preparedness of elementary school children in overcoming mount Egon eruption (p 0,000). Conclusion: The training of disaster preparedness can increase on the preparedness of elementary school childen in overcoming the disaster of  volcano eruption, therefore  the training of disaster preparedness needs to be done every year and to accommodate the content of disaster in the school curriculum.



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How to Cite
PITANG, Yuliani; IRMAN, Ode; NELISTA, Yosefina. The Effect of Training on Preparedness Disaster on the Preparedness of Elementary School Children in Overcoming the Disaster of Volcano Eruption of Mount Egon in Lere Catholic Elementary School. NurseLine Journal, [S.l.], v. 4, n. 2, p. 139-145, feb. 2020. ISSN 2541-464X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 20 dec. 2024. doi: