@article{KORLANTAS-JIRS, author = {Slamet Widodo and Elsa Mukti and Sonya Sulistyono}, title = { KAJIAN PERILAKU PENGENDARA DAN KECEPATAN KENDARAAN PADA JALAN EMPAT LAJUR DUA ARAH TERBAGI DI KOTA PONTIANAK}, journal = {Journal of Indonesia Road Safety}, volume = {2}, number = {2}, year = {2019}, keywords = {}, abstract = {Jalan Ahmad Yani in Pontianak as National road was located in the Capital of Kalimantan Barat Province has a four-lane two carriageway facility and a median in the middle of lanes. It has a high volume of traffic, i.e., more than 100 thousand a day for two directions. A number of the vehicle was recorded by installing CCTV device, a while velocity of vehicles are used a couple of speed gun. It was dominated by the number of the motorcycle around 70%, light vehicle, and the heavy vehicle is 29.6% and 0.4%, respectively. Based on data collected in the front of Prosecutor’s building that average of vehicle velocity is around 36.0 to 43.0 km/h and speed of a light vehicle is higher than other of vehicle types, while at other location (in the front of Ayani Mega Mall) it has not a certain trend. The rider of the motorcycle is riding their vehicle around 44%, going out of a provided lane for motorists. Perception’s respondents reveal that it is still probable that an incident has happened although they can ride. Speeding behavior of rider related to reaching a destination earlier. For speed restricted, respondents said that it was useful for reducing the number of incident and fatality. A sanction, like a revocation for riding license for awhile, is preferred but not permanent revocation. Some answers from respondents state that they obey some regulations during riding. Lokasi penelitian adalah Jalan Ahmad Yani di kota Pontianak yang merupakan ibukota Provinsi Kalimantan Barat dimana jalan tersebut minimal memiliki 4 lajur 2 arah terbagi, berstatus Jalan Nasional. Volume lalu-lintas sangat tinggi melebihi 100 ribu kendaraan untuk 2 arah pada hari kerja (workday) dengan modal split sekitar 50:50. Pengambilan data lalu-lintas dilakukan dengan memasang CCTV untuk 2 arah, sedangkan kecepatan kendaraan digunakan speed gun. Jumlah kendaraan jenis Sepeda Motor (MC) mendominasi sekitar 70%, sementara jenis Kendaraan Ringan (LV) sebesar 29,6% dan jenis Kendaraan Berat sebesar 0,4%. Di lokasi depan gedung Kejaksaan Kalimantan Barat bahwa kecepatan rata-rata kendaraan berkisar 36,0 s.d. 43,0 km/jam. Rata-rata kecepatan kendaraan jenis LV relatif tinggi dibandingkan jenis kendaraan lain, sedangkan di lokasi depan Ayani Mega Mal tidak didapatkan polanya. Terhadap kepatuhan pada lajur bahwa kendaraan jenis Sepeda Motor (LV) sekitar 44% keluar dari lajur khusus sepeda motor yang telah disediakan, bahkan penelitian sebelumnya di tahun 2014 bahwa jumlah kendaraan jenis MC yang keluar lajur berkisar 55%. Dari persepsi pengendara bahwa kecelakaan mungkin saja terjadi walau sudah terampil berkendara. Perilaku ngebut di jalan beralasan agar sampai tujuan lebih cepat. Terhadap pembatasan kecepatan, responden meyakini dapat mengurangi kecelakaan dan fatalitas. Sanksi berupa pencabutan SIM untuk sementara waktu disetujui namun tidak untuk pencabutan SIM selamanya. Responden menyatakan patuh saat berkendara di jalan raya terhadap peraturan yang ada.}, issn = {2654-9794}, pages = {110--118}, doi = {10.19184/korlantas-jirs.v2i2.15043}, url = {https://jurnal.unej.ac.id/index.php/KORLANTAS-JIRS/article/view/15043} }