Accredited Rank 4 (SINTA 4)
starting issue of Vol. 1 No. 1 (2017) until Vol. 10 No. 2 (2026)
The Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Lingkungan (JRSL) is a national peer-reviewed and open-access journal. Published research papers covering all aspects of civil engineering, including Structural Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Management, Construction Management, Hydraulics Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, and Environmental Engineering. JRSL publishes two numbers in one volume every year, and the first time is published in January 2017 (Vol 1 No 1). All accepted manuscripts will be released worldwide, and JRSL has been indexed in:
In the publication, Vol 6 No 1 (2022) contains ten articles.
Anik Budiati, 67; Anita Trisiana, 56; Aprilia Gita Permata, 88; Cahyadi Setya Nugraha, 36; Dano Quinta Revana, 76; David Firman Sudrajat, 47; Edward HS, 1; Enggar Ika Winahyu, 100; Fillia Indah Kumala Dewi, 67; Ivan Agusta Farizhka, 36; Iwan Wahjudijanto, 88; Jojok Widodo Soetjipto, 26; Lila Winanda, 16; Lita Darmayanti, 1; Lyya Supriono, 56; Maranatha Wijayaningtyas, 16; Minarni Nur Trilita, 100; Munasih Munasih, 16; Mutia Putri, 1; Novie Handajani, 88, 100; Nunung Nuring Hayati, 76; Ririn Endah Badriani, 47; Rizqi Choirul Wahdana, 76; Robit Dahnial, 36; Sonya Sulistyono, 36, 76; Syamsul Arifin, 26; Tatang Maulana Maliq, 56; Widy Prasetyo Raharjo, 26;Willy Kriswardhana, 56, 76; Wiwik Wiharti, 16; Yeny Dhokhikah, 47; Yuliana Sukarmawati, 36.