Analisis Balik Dinding Penahan Tanah (DPT) Jalan Raya Jember-Banyuwangi KM 234+500

  • Wisnu Sadewa Febryawan Universty of Jember
  • Januar Fery Irawan Universty of Jember
  • Luthfi Amri Wicaksono Universty of Jember


The retaining wall at Jember-Banyuwangi Road KM 234+500 consists of primer structure and secondary structure. The structure has a crack failure that the length is 2,5 m vertically. The back analysis is needed retaining wall stability and strength reduction stability. Methods used in stability calculations by Das method which calculate based on a failure of overturning, sliding, and bearing capacity, meanwhile strength reduction stability used by Plaxis program. The result stability calculations review Cross Section 1, 7, and 14 to check for overturning are 1,07 ; 1,29 ; 1,31 respectively, check for sliding are 0,87 ; 1,10 ; 1,16 respectively, check for bearing capacity failure are 6,64 ; 5,93 ; 6,83, check for strength reduction are 0,98 ; 0,99 ; 1,15 respectively.

Dinding penahan tanah (DPT) di Jalan Raya Jember-Banyuwang KM 234+500 terdiri dari struktur utama dan struktur sekunder. Dinding penahan tanah tersebut mengalami kerusakan (crack) pada bagian atas struktur dengan panjang crack sepanjang 2,5 m secara vertikal. Diperlukan analisis balik stabilitas dinding penahan tanah dan pengurangan kekuatan untuk mengetahui penyebab kerusakan struktur DPT. Metode yang digunakan dalam perhitungan stabilitas tanah dengan metode Das yang meninjau cek terhadap guling, geser, dan kegagalan daya dukung, sedangkan stabilitas pengurangan kekuatan dengan program Plaxis. Hasil perhitungan stabilitas meninjau bagian struktur utama Cross Section 1, 7, 14 untuk cek terhadap guling masing-masing 1,07 ; 1,29 ; 1,31, cek terhadap geser masing-masing 0,87 ; 1,10 ; 1,16, cek terhadap kegagalan daya dukung masing-masing 6,64 ; 5,93 ; 6,83, cek terhadap pengurangan kekuatan 0,98 ; 0,99 ; 1,15.

Author Biographies

Wisnu Sadewa Febryawan, Universty of Jember

Civil Engineering Undergraduate Study Program
Department of Civil Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, Universty of Jember
Jl. Kalimantan 37 Jember

Januar Fery Irawan, Universty of Jember

Mining Engineering Study Program
Department of Civil Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, Universty of Jember
Jl. Kalimantan 37 Jember

Luthfi Amri Wicaksono, Universty of Jember

Department of Civil Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, Universty of Jember
Jl. Kalimantan 37 Jember
Corresponding author:

How to Cite
FEBRYAWAN, Wisnu Sadewa; IRAWAN, Januar Fery; WICAKSONO, Luthfi Amri. BACK ANALYSIS OF THE RETAINING WALL AT JEMBER - BANYUWANGI ROAD KM 234+500. Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Lingkungan, [S.l.], v. 3, n. 1, p. 71-81, june 2019. ISSN 2548-9518. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 05 feb. 2025. doi:

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