Pengendalian Sedimentasi pada Saluran Irigasi Rayap Tersier II Patrang Kabupaten Jember

  • Putu Adetya Pariartha University of Jember
  • Entin Hidayah University of Jember
  • Wiwik Yunarni Widiarti University of Jember


Rayap irrigation channel Tersier II is one of irrigation channel which has been supplying hydraulic flow to 31 hectares of ricefield area, and it is located at the Rayap irrigation sector – Renteng village, Patrang sub-district. In the last two years, this channel suffered from the landslide over the ridge on the left and the right bank. At the same time, those landslide materials covered the entire channel and causing a sediment accumulation, which always influences harmly toward the hydraulic process in the site of irrigation. As the point of consideration, this irrigation problem must be conducted a deep and holistic analysis in predicting the amount of sediment in the form of prevention mechanism for the sake of the operational irrigation sector. The research result methodology using a depth-integrated & point sample to identify the characterization and grain size of the sediment as much as 500 grams. The known water surface elevation is used to be a variable of steady flow analysis using HEC-RAS v.5.0.3, and the simulation flow is 0.0276 m2/detik with the accumulation sediment per year 1.0242 tons. These serial events are followed by the gradation in the very low basement of a channel as much as 30-80 centimeters aboveground. The specific recommendation channel profile to recover and provide the sufficient capacity of incoming sedimentation with the profile design in the form of natural trapezoid with the bottom width 1.8 meters and height minimum of channel 0.6 meters equipped by the channel normalization once a year.

Saluran irigasi Rayap Tersier II merupakan salah satu saluran irigasi yang mengaliri petak persawahan seluas 31 Ha dan berada pada Daerah Irigasi Rayap Desa Renteng Kecamatan Patrang. Selama 2 tahun terakhir saluran ini mengalami longsor pada tebing dan lereng-lereng yang berada pada bagian atas saluran. Di saat yang bersamaan pula saluran tertutup kemudian terjadi akumulasi sedimen yang dapat mengganggu kinerja distribusi air pada baku sawah menjadi kurang maksimal. Melihat pentingnya peranan saluran perlu dilakukan langkah penanganan berupa pengendalian sedimen yang berpotensi muncul tiap tahunnya, maka dilakukan penelitian perilaku sedimen dengan metode depth integrated & point sample untuk mengetahui jumlah akumulasi sedimen yang terbawa arus tiap tahunnya dengan pengambilan total sampel di 5 titik seberat 500 gram. Bedasarkan data hasil pengukuran berupa tinggi muka air, cross section dan long section saluran maka, dilakukan analisis aliran seragam menggunakan HEC-RAS v.5.0.3. Hasil analisis hidrolik berupa kecepatan saluran sebesar 0.0276 m2 /detik dengan tingkat akumulasi sedimen per tahunnya sebanyak 1.0242 ton per tahun. Proses sedimentasi menyebabkan kenaikan dasar saluran (agradasi) setinggi 30-80 centimeter dari permukaan dasar tanah awal. Rekomendasi saluran untuk penanggulangan sedimentasi pada saluran perlu dilakukan normalisasi saluran irigasi berupa desain ulang berbentuk trapesium dengan tinggi jagaan setinggi 0.6 meter, lebar minimum saluran 1.8 meter, kemiringan saluran 0.006-0.336%, nilai koefisien kekasaran (n=0.03) dengan jadwal pengerukan rutin sebanyak 1 tahun sekali.

Author Biographies

Putu Adetya Pariartha, University of Jember

Civil Engineering Undergraduate Study Program
Department of Civil Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, University of Jember
Jl. Kalimantan 37 Jember

Entin Hidayah, University of Jember

Department of Civil Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, University of Jember
Jl. Kalimantan 37 Jember

Wiwik Yunarni Widiarti, University of Jember

Department of Civil Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, University of Jember
Jl. Kalimantan 37 Jember
Corresponding author:

How to Cite
PARIARTHA, Putu Adetya; HIDAYAH, Entin; WIDIARTI, Wiwik Yunarni. SEDIMENTATION MANAGEMENT AT RAYAP IRRIGATION CHANNEL TERSIER II IN PATRANG SUB-DISTRICT OF JEMBER REGENCY. Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Lingkungan, [S.l.], v. 3, n. 1, p. 61-70, june 2019. ISSN 2548-9518. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 05 feb. 2025. doi:

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