Evaluasi Kinerja Sistem Drainase Pada Wilayah Kelurahan Medokan Ayu Kota Surabaya

  • Usaamah Hadi University of Jember
  • Entin Hidayah University of Jember
  • Gusfan Halik University of Jember


The problem of flood inundation in the Kebon Agung River at the Medokan Ayu Village, Rungkut District Surabaya, is getting worse due to the conditions of topographic, soil properties, high rainfalls, rising sea tides and very significant changes in land use. The eastern part of Surabaya, which was formerly open space land and now developed into a residential area. Therefore in the area, there is often flood inundation when the rainy season due to lack of recharge areas and poor drainage facilities. The performance evaluation of the drainage system was carried out using the SWMM program that is combining hydrology and hydraulic analysis. Hydrology analysis is used to determine various rainfall return periods. The maximum rainfall data are collected for 18 years. The hydraulic analysis is used to obtain the data in the form of cross-section, roughness, and drainage channel capacity. The results of the evaluation of drainage system modeling with SWMM have obtained the inundation points, namely for channels K3-K4-K5- K6-K7-K8 on the right side and Ki2-Ki3-Ki4-Ki5 on the left side.

Pemasalahan genangan banjir di Kali Kebon Agung di Kelurahan Medokan Ayu Kecamatan Rungkut Surabaya menjadi semakin parah karena kondisi topografi, sifat tanah, tingginya intensitas hujan, meningkatnya pasang surut air laut dan perubahan tata guna lahan yang sangat signifikan. Wilayah Surabaya bagian timur yang semula lahan terbuka kini berkembang menjadi daerah perumahan. Oleh sebab itu di wilayah tersebut sering terjadi genangan banjir saat musim hujan dikarenakan kurangnya daerah resapan dan fasilitas drainase yang kurang baik. Evaluasi kinerja sistem drainase pada wilayah tersebut dilakukan dengan menggunakan pemodelan SWMM yang megabungkan pemodelan hidrologi dan hirdolika. Analisis hidrologi digunakan untuk menentukan berbagai kala ulang hujan. Data curah hujan maksimum digunakan selama 18 tahun. Analisis hidrolika digunakan untuk memperoleh data berupa penampang, kekasaran, dan kapasitas saluran drainase. Hasil running SWMM didapatkan titik titik lokasi genangan pada saluran K3-K4-K5-K6- K7-K8 pada sisi kanan dan Ki2-Ki3-Ki4-Ki5 pada sisi kiri.

Author Biographies

Usaamah Hadi, University of Jember

Civil Engineering Undergraduate Study Program
Department of Civil Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, University of Jember
Jl. Kalimantan 37 Jember

Entin Hidayah, University of Jember

Department of Civil Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, University of Jember
Jl. Kalimantan 37 Jember
Corresponding author: entin.teknik@unej.ac.id

Gusfan Halik, University of Jember

Department of Civil Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, University of Jember
Jl. Kalimantan 37 Jember

How to Cite
HADI, Usaamah; HIDAYAH, Entin; HALIK, Gusfan. EVALUATION OF DRAINAGE SYSTEM PERFORMANCE AT MEDOKAN AYU DISTRICT SURABAYA CITY. Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Lingkungan, [S.l.], v. 3, n. 1, p. 49-60, june 2019. ISSN 2548-9518. Available at: <https://jurnal.unej.ac.id/index.php/JRSL/article/view/9350>. Date accessed: 05 feb. 2025. doi: https://doi.org/10.19184/jrsl.v3i1.9350.

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