Analisa Pengaruh Normalisasi Sungai Kemuning Terhadap Stabilitas Tanggul Corrugated Concrete Sheet Pile (CCSP) pada Kondisi Beban Normal dan Beban Gempa

Analysis of the Effect of Kemuning River Normalization on the Stability of the Corrugated Concrete Sheet Pile (CCSP) Embankment

  • Paksitya Purnama Putra Universitas Jember
  • Khalid Pijar Ganesha Universitas Jember
  • Luthfi Amri Wicaksono Universitas Jember
  • Rini Trisno Lestari Universitas Pancasila



The flood that occurred in the Sampang area was caused by the low capacity of the Kemuning River. One of the possible methods to solve flood overflow is to increase the capacity using normalization by dredging sediments in the river channel. To carry out normalization, it is necessary to consider the impact on the stability of the existing CCSP (Corrugated Concrete Sheet Pile) embankment. This study is intended to analyze the impact of normalization on the stability of the CCSP embankment, which is 500 m long, using the finite element method (FEM) program. This study consisted of several stages, namely soil data analysis, lateral pile analysis, and safety factor analysis. Based on the calculation results, all stationing segments are safe for normalization because they have a faktor keamanan (SF) value above the SF limit required by SNI 8460:2017, that is, SF = 1.5 under normal conditions and SF = 1.1 under earthquake conditions. Likewise, when normalization is carried out at the depth limit of the river bed elevation, the CCSP embankment still meets the stability requirements, with an average SF value in earthquake conditions of SF = 1.27 and SF = 2.46 in non-earthquake conditions. The stability of the CCSP reaches its limit when the average dredging depth elevation is between 4.71 m and 5.92 m below the river's normal water level in earthquake and non-earthquake conditions.

Keywords: Normalization, Stability, CCSP, Kemuning River, FEM.


Banjir yang terjadi di daerah Sampang disebabkan oleh debit banjir yang melebihi kapasitas tampung Sungai Kemuning. Salah satu upaya untuk mengatasi terjadinya luapan banjir adalah dengan meningkatkan kapasitas tampung melalui normalisasi dengan cara mengeruk sedimen pada alur sungai. Pelaksanaan normalisasi perlu mempertimbangkan dampak terhadap stabilitas tanggul CCSP (Corrugated Concrete Sheet Pile) eksisting yang sudah ada. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk menganalisis pengaruh normalisasi terhadap stabilitas tanggul CCSP sepanjang 500 m menggunakan program bantu berbasis elemen hingga (FEM). Penelitian terdiri dari beberapa tahap yakni analisis data tanah, analisis tiang lateral, dan analisis faktor keamanan.  Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan, seluruh segmen stasioning aman untuk dilakukan normalisasi karena memiliki nilai faktor keamanan (SF) diatas SF limit yang disyaratkan SNI 8460:2017 yaitu (SF=1,5) pada kondisi normal dan (SF=1,1) pada kondisi gempa. Saat normalisasi dilakukan pada batas kedalaman elevasi dasar sungai, tanggul CCSP masih memenuhi syarat stabilitas dengan nilai SF rata-rata pada kondisi gempa sebesar SF=1,27 dan SF=2,46 pada kondisi normal. Stabilitas CCSP mencapai batasnya saat elevasi pengerukan rata-rata sedalam 4,71 m dan 5,92 m dibawah muka air normal sungai pada kondisi gempa dan tanpa gempa.

Kata kunci: Normalisasi, Stabilitas, CCSP, Sungai Kemuning, FEM.

Author Biographies

Paksitya Purnama Putra, Universitas Jember

Civil Engineering Study Program
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Jember
Jalan Kalimantan No. 37 Kampus Tegalboto, Kec. Sumbesari

Khalid Pijar Ganesha, Universitas Jember

Civil Engineering Study Program
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Jember
Jalan Kalimantan No. 37 Kampus Tegalboto, Kec. Sumbesari

Luthfi Amri Wicaksono, Universitas Jember

Civil Engineering Study Program
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Jember
Jalan Kalimantan No. 37 Kampus Tegalboto, Kec. Sumbesari

Rini Trisno Lestari, Universitas Pancasila

Civil Engineering Study Program
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Pancasila
Jl. Raya Lenteng Agung No. 44, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta


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How to Cite
PUTRA, Paksitya Purnama et al. Analisa Pengaruh Normalisasi Sungai Kemuning Terhadap Stabilitas Tanggul Corrugated Concrete Sheet Pile (CCSP) pada Kondisi Beban Normal dan Beban Gempa. Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Lingkungan, [S.l.], v. 8, n. 1, p. 1-14, june 2024. ISSN 2548-9518. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 05 feb. 2025. doi:

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