Pengaruh Pengaruh Substitusi Lateks (Getah Karet) Terhadap Kinerja Karakteristik Lapis Aspal Beton (Laston) dengan Kombinasi Filler Abu Arang Tempurung Kelapa

The Effect of Latex (Rubber latex) Substitution on the Performance Characteristics of Asphalt Concrete Layer with Filler Combination of Coconut Shell Charcoal Ash

  • Fillia Indah Kumala Dewi Universitas Bhayangkara
  • Anik Budiati Universitas Bhayangkara


Asphalt concrete is a combination of continuous aggregate gradation with hard asphalt binder (DPUPR, 2014). Asphalt concrete is a combination of aggregate, and asphalt, with or without additives. Latex and coconut shell charcoal ash was chosen as additives because they are abundantly available and easy to obtain. This study used a latex percentage of 1%; 2%; and 3%, as well as filler from coconut shell charcoal of 1%; 1.5%, and 2%. The aim of the study was to obtain the effect of the substitution of latex (rubber sap) and filler from coconut shell charcoal on the performance characteristics of asphalt concrete (laston). Material testing methods and marshall testing are guided by Bina Marga 2018. To get the optimum asphalt content (KAO) it is tested with three variations of the percentage of asphalt content and is obtained at 5%. This value is then used for Marshall stability testing with additives. The test results show that the substitution of latex and coconut shell charcoal filler can increase the value of marshal stability and flexibility of the mixture at 3% latex and charcoal ash content. These results are in accordance with the characteristics of the lastton in the 2018 Bina Marga Specifications.


Aspal beton merupakan gabungan gradasi agregat menerus dengan bahan pengikat aspal keras (DPUPR, 2014). Aspal beton merupakan gabungan  dari agregat, aspal, dengan atau tanpa bahan tambahan. Lateks dan abu arang tempurung kelapa dipilih sebagai bahan aditif karena melimpah ketersediaan dan mudah didapat. Penelitian ini menggunakan prosentase  lateks sebesar 1%; 2%; dan 3%, serta filler dari arang tempurung kelapa sebesar 1%; 1,5%, dan 2%. Tujuan Penelitian untuk mendapatkan pengaruh substitusi lateks (getah karet) dan filler dari arang tempurung kelapa terhadap kinerja karakteristik aspal beton (laston). Metode pengujian material dan pengujian marshall berpedoman pada Bina Marga 2018. Untuk mendapatkan kadar aspal optimum (KAO) diujikan dengan tiga variasi prosentase kadar aspal dan di dapatkan sebesar 5%. Nilai ini selanjutnya digunakan pengujian stabilitas marshall dengan bahan aditif. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa substitusi lateks dan filler arang tempurung kelapa dapat menambah nilai stabilitas marshal dan fleksibilitas campuran pada kadar lateks dan abu arang 3%. Hasil tersebut sesuai dengan karakteristik laston dalam Spesifikasi Bina Marga 2018.

Author Biographies

Fillia Indah Kumala Dewi, Universitas Bhayangkara

Undergraduate Civil Engineering STudy Program
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Bhayangkara
Jalan A. Yani 114 Wonocolo Surabaya, East Java

Anik Budiati, Universitas Bhayangkara

Department of Civil Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Bhayangkara
Jalan A. Yani 114 Wonocolo Surabaya, East Java
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How to Cite
DEWI, Fillia Indah Kumala; BUDIATI, Anik. Pengaruh Pengaruh Substitusi Lateks (Getah Karet) Terhadap Kinerja Karakteristik Lapis Aspal Beton (Laston) dengan Kombinasi Filler Abu Arang Tempurung Kelapa. Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Lingkungan, [S.l.], v. 6, n. 1, p. 67-75, june 2022. ISSN 2548-9518. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 05 feb. 2025. doi:

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