Kemampuan Membayar Iuran Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional Bagi Nelayan di Kabupaten Jember (Ability To Pay The Premium Of National Health Insurance For Fisherman in Jember)

  • Widya Noormalasari
  • Nuryadi Nuryadi
  • Christyana Sandra


National Health Insurance is an Indonesian government program which mandates by social
Insurance that required for all Indonesian citizens through BPJS. Coverage by independent
participation in Jember is still very small that equal to 0.75 % of all participants registered. The
results of a preliminary survey on the fisherman shows that 72.5 % of respondents thought unable
to pay contribution JKN. The objective of this study was to calculate the ability to pay contribution
of JKN for fishermen in Jember. This study was a quantitative descriptive study conducted in 3
villages, there are Puger Wetan village subdistrict Puger, Sumberejo village subdistrict Ambulu,
and Lojejer village subdistrict Wuluhan. Results showed that most of respondents monthly income
was middle which was in the interval ≥Rp.3.100.000,- to ≤Rp.7.750.000,- by the average was
Rp.6.200.000,-; while the average household expenditure reached up to Rp.6.077.424,-. The
calculation formula has got to calculate ability to pay is ΣRevenue – (-63880+ 0,8653X + ₁
0,6361X3+ 1,277X4+ 1,081X5+ 0,6571X6+ 1,269X7+ 1,151X8+ 1,165X9+ 0,9445X10+ 1,307X11+
1,540X12+ 0,9707X13+ 1,007X14+ 1,159X15+ 0.9988X16+ 1,047X17+ 1,064X18+ 3,517X19+
1,015X20). Most of respondents (54,5%) were able to pay the premium of National Health
Insurance. Most of respondents (61,11%) were only having ability to paid the premium for inpatient
care grade 3 (Rp.25.500,- for one person every month).
Keywords : Ability To Pay, National Health Insurance, Fisherman

Author Biographies

Widya Noormalasari
Bagian Administrasi dan Kebijakan Kesehatan, Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Jember
Nuryadi Nuryadi
Bagian Administrasi dan Kebijakan Kesehatan, Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Jember
Christyana Sandra
Bagian Administrasi dan Kebijakan Kesehatan, Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Jember
How to Cite
NOORMALASARI, Widya; NURYADI, Nuryadi; SANDRA, Christyana. Kemampuan Membayar Iuran Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional Bagi Nelayan di Kabupaten Jember (Ability To Pay The Premium Of National Health Insurance For Fisherman in Jember). Pustaka Kesehatan, [S.l.], v. 3, n. 1, p. 147-154, jan. 2015. ISSN 2721-3218. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 12 feb. 2025.