@article{JPF, author = {Indah Kharismawati and Bambang Supriadi and Rif'ati Handayani}, title = { PROBABILITAS PARTIKEL DALAM KOTAK TIGA DIMENSI PADA BILANGAN KUANTUM n≤5}, journal = {JURNAL PEMBELAJARAN FISIKA}, volume = {1}, number = {1}, year = {2021}, keywords = {}, abstract = {The goals of this research were to determine the particle probability density in three-dimensional box not perturbation on interval 0 until L/4 in quantum number n≤5. Type of this research was pure literature review research. The research method of Simpson rule at Matlab program. The result of the research were the probability to find particle (electron) in three dimensions box had determined by width size box (the position of particle) in position (x, y, z) so founded probability density depend on quantum number (nx, ny, nz) }, issn = {2721-1959}, pages = {58--63}, doi = {10.19184/jpf.v1i1.23136}, url = {https://jurnal.unej.ac.id/index.php/JPF/article/view/23136} }