Analisis Kesalahan Siswa Bergaya Kognitif Reflektif dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Cerita Matematika Berdasarkan Metode Newman
This study aims to determine the types of errors and factors that cause students' errors in solving flat side space story questions based on the Newman’s method regarding reflective cognitive styles. The subjects of this study were four students to eighth grades class B of SMP Negeri 4 Jember. In this study, students will be given MFFT test to determine their cognitive style. Then students who belong to the category of reflective cognitive techniques complete a math story test on Build a Flat Sides Room to see the students' mistakes in solving these problems based on the Newman’s method. Then, doing the interviews to obtain more in-depth information regarding what the factors were the cause of the errors made by the students. The type of this research is descriptive qualitative. The result of this study is students with reflective cognitive style tend to make errors in problem transformation, process skills and write errors in the final answer. The factors that cause these errors include students not knowing the formula they must use, students are not careful, students forgetting to write down the formulas, students are confused, and students have made mistakes in doing calculations.

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