Modified Newton Kantorovich Methods for Solving Microwave Inverse Scattering Problems

  • Agung Tjahjo Nugroho Department of Physics, FMIPA, Jember University


The Modified Newton-Kantorovich method (MNK) was formulated due to the limitation of The Newton-Kantorovich method (NK) in reconstructing the imitation of bone muscle and fat object. It was sensitive to contrast and cell size. In this research MNK and NK methods were applied to reconstruct the dielectric properties distribution of homogeneous and inhomogeneous objects from simulated scattered field dataset to know how the results of image reconstruction using both methods were. The results revealed that the MNK method was more flexible than the NK one.


How to Cite
NUGROHO, Agung Tjahjo. Modified Newton Kantorovich Methods for Solving Microwave Inverse Scattering Problems. Jurnal ILMU DASAR, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 2, p. 153-159, july 2009. ISSN 2442-5613. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 22 dec. 2024.


Modified Newton-Kantorovich; microwave inverse