Jurnal Entitas Sosiologi (JES) is a space for the dissemination of ideas within the scope of Sociology studies. This journal also provides spaces for various perspectives in sociology, especially in developing ideas that can encourage the transformation of society towards an advanced and sustainable society. In this issue, Jurnal Entitas Sosiologi (JES) presents the theme of family and livelihood. The first article is family social support for the elderly study: meeting the needs of the elderly in Dadapan village. Next, the second article discusses the power relations of single parent (An analysis of discourse on the life of three single parents in Jiwan village, Madiun regency). The third article showcases the family life of a pedicab driver in Jember. The fourth article focuses on Green-Found Farming Community strategies in Gayam Dama village in facing drought ecological vulnerability. The fifth article talks about the existence of Aboge Islamic religious activities during the pandemic period in Probolinggo regency, while the sixth article is about communicative ratio of Arum Sari Farmer Groups with Corteva Agriscience Indonesia on Married Corn Commodities. In general, the article narrates Family and Livelihood. Jurnal Entitas Sosiologi (JES) accepts articles in the form of empirical based research, literature-review based studies, and book reviews that support the dissemination of ideas and the enrichment of sociology-based knowledge.

Published: 2021-02-01