The Journal of Agromedicine and Medical Sciences (AMS) is a four-month periodical journal (February, June, and October) that contains various articles in the form of research, systematic reviews and case report in the field of medicine with a focus on basic medical sciences, clinical medicine, and agromedics. All manuscripts submitted must contain original research that was not previously published and is not being considered for publication elsewhere. All authors have read and agreed to the contents of the manuscript, and that every experimental study reported in the manuscript has been carried out with the approval of the ethics committee.

Journal of Agromedicine and Medical Sciences has been indexed in:


Author Index :
Citra Dwi Harningtyas 1; Ida Srisurani Wiji Astuti 7; Nurud Diniyah 12; Alief Ilman Zaelany 19; Elly Nurus Sakinah 24; Ain Yuanita Insani 30; Eva Rosita Dewi 34; Arifa Mustika 39; Monika Roosyidah 44; Khadijah Nur Al Firdausi 50

Published: 2017-12-14

Original Research Articles