Governance Of Child Social Welfare Institutions Based On The Principle Of Good Governance

Study at LKSD Al-Aziiz, Jember Regency

  • Anastasya Murdyastuti
  • Purwowibowo Purwowibowo


This study aims to explain the governance of children's social welfare institutions in implementing Good Governance and improving children's social welfare. This research uses qualitative descriptive methods. The data collection is observation, interview, and documentation. Data analysis is through interactive methods with institutional theories (Josep W. Eaton). A Good Governance based on Sedarmayanti (2012) is accountability, transparency, openness, and the rule of law. The results showed that the governance of institutional development in LKSA Al-Aziiz is based on the dimensions of leadership and doctrine with authoritarian leadership models in Islamic boarding schools. The principle of Good Governance has not been maximized and consistent there. However, the value of the local wisdom of Boarding School is based on family, honesty, and loyalty because LKSA Al-aziiz is under the auspices of the Foundation or Boarding School so that it continues to run well.


Keywords: Governance, Good Governance, Social welfare of children, LKSA

How to Cite
YUSRIADI, Yusriadi; MURDYASTUTI, Anastasya; PURWOWIBOWO, Purwowibowo. Governance Of Child Social Welfare Institutions Based On The Principle Of Good Governance. Regional Dynamic: Journal of Policy and Business Science, [S.l.], v. 2, n. 1, p. 52-64, july 2022. ISSN 2722-9343. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 04 dec. 2024. doi:

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