The Effect of Training, Organizational Culture, Incentives and Work Environment on Employee Performance
Study at PT. Bank Mandiri Micro Business Cluster Jember II
Efforts to improve employee performance are the most serious management challenges because the success to achieve the goals and survival of the company depends on the performance of the human resources in it. There are four factors that can be used as a reference in improving employee performance, including training, organizational culture, providing incentives and the work environment. The Financial Services Authority (OJK) noted that as of March 2020, total banking assets reached Rp 8,793.2 trillion out of a total of 110 banks throughout Indonesia. Of this number, there are 10 banks with jumbo assets that control 68.4% of the total banking assets in the country which are recorded by the OJK. The total assets of the ten banks reached Rp 6,017.59 trillion as of the first quarter of 2020. In this position, four state-owned banks or the association of state-owned banks (Himbara) are in the top five in a row of 10 banks with giant assets. The biggest success of PT. Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk. supported by micro business units that provide services in the form of credit facilities to the public as business actors. PT. Bank Mandiri Micro Business was first established in 2005 and to date has grown to 3000 micro unit branches in Indonesia. The role of the micro unit is very important as a contributor to the biggest profit or profit for the company. One of the micro business units is PT. Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk. namely PT. Bank Mandiri Micro Business Cluster Jember II, which was established in 2008 and is located on Jl. Wijaya Kusuma No 3-5 Jember. Several loan products at Bank Mandiri Micro Business Cluster Jember II include People's Business Loans (KUR), Micro Business Loans (KUM), and Micro Multipurpose Loans (KSM). PT. Bank Mandiri Micro Business Cluster Jember II employs 87 employees, including 14 Micro Business Managers (MBM), 14 Micro Credit Analysts (MKA) and 59 Micro Credit Sales (MKS). In 2018 to 2019 there was a decrease in performance as indicated by the percentage decrease in the target of each unit. This was stated by CMBM PT. Bank Mandiri Micro Business Cluster Jember II which explained that the decline in employee performance was caused by several factors including the lack of intensive training for MKS (Micro Credit Sales). In addition to training, Bank Mandiri must also update its organizational culture, provide incentives to employees and improve the work environment that is physically inadequate, such as the absence of desk facilities and special work rooms for sales and the lack of computers for credit data entry processes. This research uses quantitative research and descriptive research approach is used to analyze training, organizational culture, incentives, and work environment. As well as causal relationship associative research is used to analyze the influence of training, organizational culture, incentives, and work environment on employee performance. The population in this study were employees of micro credit sales (MKS) of PT Bank Mandiri Micro Business Cluster II. Primary data collection was carried out by conducting a direct survey to PT. Bank Mandiri Microbusiness Cluster Jember II as the object of research. Secondary data were obtained from libraries and journals. Data analysis techniques using validity and reliability tests, classical assumption test, multiple regression analysis and hypothesis testing. The results of research and multiple regression testing showed the influence of training, organizational culture, incentives and work environment showed a significant positive relationship to employee performance at PT. Bank Mandiri Micro Business Cluster Jember II. While the results of the f test indicate that training, culture, incentives, work environment have a simultaneous effect on employee performance at PT. Bank Mandiri Micro Business Cluster Jember II. This proves that training, culture, incentives, a good work environment will improve employee performance at PT. Bank Mandiri Micro Business Cluster Jember II.
Keywords: PT. Bank Mandiri Micro Business, organizational culture, work environment, employee performance
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