Transformational Leadership and Organizational Culture at The Institute for Islam Studies Jember

  • Risqina Risqina Institute for Islam Studies Jember
  • Selfi Budi Helpiastuti University of Jember
  • Sasongko Sasongko University of Jember


This study examines transformative leadership and organizational culture implemented in tertiary institutions. Transformational leaders have an impact on the effectiveness of organizational culture. This paper is based on the study of leadership theory, references about the culture of knowledge organizations, which integrate concepts and facts in the field. Of course the transformation process has an impact on organizational culture including students. Not only does it change the work rhythm that is demanded to be bigger, but more students being taken care of are also more complicated. This reality ultimately also has an impact on habits including good employee performance due to the reduced number of present workforce recruited.

The purpose of this study is to examine and discuss the characteristics of transformational leadership and organizational culture at Islamic Institute of Religion Jember. This type of research is field research. The research method used is a qualitative research method. While the data collection methods used are interviews, observation and documentation. The validity test of the data used is triangulation, confirmation of reliability, transferability and dependability. While the analysis of the data used is an interactive analysis of Miles Huberman. The results of the conclusions in this study indicate that Transformational Leadership is built by three factors, namely Inspirational in shaping vision and ideas, visionary in articulating vision & mission and intellectual support to achieve targets and goals. Transformational leadership provides a change in work support and team performance. Strong leadership in providing work motivation, stimulating concepts or ideas to group or individual employees can produce harmony in achieving a shared vision, team commitment, work culture and minimal conflict. Transformative leadership needs to improve communication in building a positive organizational culture because communication of leadership and work increases the culture of teamwork, cohesion and conflict.

Keywords: Transformational leaders, organizational culture and employee performance

How to Cite
RISQINA, Risqina; HELPIASTUTI, Selfi Budi; SASONGKO, Sasongko. Transformational Leadership and Organizational Culture at The Institute for Islam Studies Jember. Regional Dynamic: Journal of Policy and Business Science, [S.l.], v. 2, n. 1, p. 31-44, may 2020. ISSN 2722-9343. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 08 dec. 2024. doi:

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