Analisis Keterkaitan Penyakit Pasien pada Puskesmas Menggunakan Metode Association Rule

  • karina auliasari
  • Yuli Susanti


The need for vigilance against the disease is an effort to reduce morbidity and prevalence of complications in diseases. Medical records of hospitalized patients in the many and varied Puskesmas can then be processed to analyze the pattern of disease that often affects people in the area around Puskesmas. Implementation of association rule method is expected to generate linkages between the rule of item combinations of disease
The data used in this research is an inpatient medical records of patients Brang Rea Puskesmas from January to June 2015. The system was developed using the programming language Visual Basic and Microsoft SQL Server 2008 as the database. Tests on the analysis modules generate output system of rules "if" "then" or "if" "it", rule or rule illness taken from the rules that exceed the value or the minimum support and minimum confidence. From the results of system testing conducted seen that the rules that can be used by the health center for analysis Brang Rea inpatients disease is a rule that has a value of minimum support and minimum confidence-value equals or exceeds the value specified by the administrator.

Author Biographies

karina auliasari
Teknik Informatika Institut Teknologi Nasional Malang
Yuli Susanti
Teknik Informatika Institut Teknologi Nasional Malang
How to Cite
AULIASARI, karina; SUSANTI, Yuli. Analisis Keterkaitan Penyakit Pasien pada Puskesmas Menggunakan Metode Association Rule. INFORMAL: Informatics Journal, [S.l.], v. 1, n. 2, p. 59 - 66, aug. 2016. ISSN 2503-250X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 05 feb. 2025.


Association Rule, Puskesmas, Analysis, Disease