Reviewer's Guidelines

The Indonesian Journal of Law and Society has a high-standard for publication. All the published papers should undergo the peer-review process by two experts in the field. Before the peer-review process starts, the Editorial Board will ensure that the manuscript has complied with sufficient academic writing and followed the author's instructions. If the manuscript does not meet these criteria, the author(s) will get advice for the desk review revision(s).

1. The title should be written concisely no more than 16 words.

2. The abstract should be written concisely between 250-300 words and it should cover a general overview, objective(s), methods, finding(s), conclusion, and recommendation (if any).

3. The content should be written concisely at least 8,000 words.

a. The introduction should include the general overview, previous research(es), theoretical contribution, aim(s) of the study, and the structure of the manuscript.

b. The analysis should cover the debate as it has been introduced and formulated in the introduction, particularly it should refer to the structure of the manuscript. 

c. The conclusion should answer the aim(s) of the study, not resume or rewrite the main point(s) provided in the analysis section.

4. Reference. We apply the Canadian Guide to Uniform Legal Citation 7th edition (McGill Guide). The authors are strongly recommended to use Zotero in writing footnotes and references.