Huntete Beach has good physical potention, but still not optimal visitors. The purposes of this paper there are two (a) to determine the potention of Huntete Beach tourism objects in Kulati Village, East Tomia Subdistrict, Wakatobi Regency, (b) To find out the perception of tourists on the potential of Huntete Beach tourism objects in Kulati Village, East Tomia District, Wakatobi Regency. This research uses survey method. The results of this paper are (a) the potential of Huntete Beach is in the medium category (internal potential) and low (external potential), so it needs to be developed again so that it can become a main tourism object in East Tomia Subdistrict, Wakatobi Regency, (b) Presumption from tourists who visit that there is a potential in Huntete Beach tourism, so needs better management by completing facilities that are not yet available. It can tourists more enjoy the natural phanorama and not feel bored at this place.
Keywords: potential identification, tourism object, Huntete beach
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