Susceptibility, Landslide.Abstract
This research aims to determine the degree of susceptibility of landslides in Cibal Districts. The method used in this research is descriptive survey method. The population in this research is all of the land in Cibal Districts. data collection technique is done by using observation technique and documentation study. Data analysis technique in this research uses crosstab technique. The results of this study can be seen that the level of susceptibility of landslides in Cibal based on crosstab results, there are three categories of vulnerability of landslide , they are low, medium and high. Low landslide susceptibility rate of 6.979,65 hectares or 64.09% is found in Nine sub-districts / village. The moderate landslide susceptibility rate has an area of 3,634.67 hectares or 33.38%, in seven villages. While the high landslide susceptibility rate is found only in one village with an area of 275.65 hectares or 2.35% of the total area of Cibal districts.
Keywords: Susceptibility, Landslide, Cibal District
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