Spatial-Based Landslide Vulnerability Index Assessment in Bogor Area, Indonesia

  • Syakira Trisnafiah Research Centre for Geological Disaster, The National Research and Innovation Agency, Bandung City, West Java, 40135, Indonesia
  • Trinugroho Trinugroho Research Centre for Geological Disaster, The National Research and Innovation Agency, Bandung City, West Java, 40135, Indonesia
  • Astisiasari Astisiasari Research Centre for Geological Disaster, The National Research and Innovation Agency, Bandung City, West Java, 40135, Indonesia
  • Ritha Riyandari Research Centre for Geological Disaster, The National Research and Innovation Agency, Bandung City, West Java, 40135, Indonesia
  • Meila Prati Handayani Department of Physics, Jenderal Soedirman University, Banyumas, Central Java, 53122, Indonesia
  • Dian Nuraini Melati Research Centre for Geological Disaster, The National Research and Innovation Agency, Bandung City, West Java, 40135, Indonesia
  • Raditya Panji Umbara Research Centre for Geological Disaster, The National Research and Innovation Agency, Bandung City, West Java, 40135, Indonesia
  • Yukni Arifianti Research Centre for Geological Disaster, The National Research and Innovation Agency, Bandung City, West Java, 40135, Indonesia
  • Taufik Iqbal Ramdhani Research Center for Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Security, The National Research and Innovation Agency, Bandung City, West Java, 40135, Indonesia
  • Sehah Sehah Department of Physics, Jenderal Soedirman University, Banyumas, Central Java, 53122, Indonesia


Within the concept of disaster risk, vulnerability is one of the key determinants. It acknowledges the degree of unsafe conditions in a susceptible zone so that mitigation measures and disaster resilience can be enforced. Bogor area is the most susceptible region to landslides with more than 485 landslide events since 2012. However, there is still inadequate information on its vulnerability to landslides, as the risk reduction challenge per se, is a long-run task. Correspondingly, this study aims to measure the degree of vulnerability to landslides in Bogor area from four focal points (i.e.: social, physical, economic, and environmental dimensions), through the proxy of Vulnerability Index (VI). This study employs a GIS-based spatial analysis on a sub-district level. The result shows that although having high records on landslide events, Bogor area mainly retrieves low VI. In general, Bogor area has low VI [0.347–0.454] on 26 sub-districts. Moreover, 13 sub-districts attain medium VI (0.454–0.562], and 7 sub-districts achieve high VI (0.562–0.670]. Sub-districts that have high VI are: Bogor Tengah, Bogor Barat, Bogor Selatan, Cibinong, Bojonggede, Ciomas, and Bogor Utara; which are mainly promoted by the high indexes on social and physical vulnerabilities. Nevertheless, further study is still needed to extend the knowledge of relationship between landslide susceptibility and this vulnerability result, by using a more extensive and longer data series. That is especially in accord with taking the appropriate mitigation measures in spatial planning and landslide risk management.


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How to Cite
TRISNAFIAH, Syakira et al. Spatial-Based Landslide Vulnerability Index Assessment in Bogor Area, Indonesia. Geosfera Indonesia, [S.l.], v. 9, n. 1, p. 16-28, apr. 2024. ISSN 2614-8528. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 05 feb. 2025. doi:
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