Application of Sentinel-2A Images for Land Cover Classification Using NDVI in Jember Regency


  • Rufiani Nadzirah Department of Agricultural Engineering, University of Jember, Jember, 68121, Indonesia
  • Mochammad Kevin Rizqon Department of Agricultural Engineering, University of Jember, Jember, 68121, Indonesia
  • Indarto Indarto Department of Agricultural Engineering, University of Jember, Jember, 68121, Indonesia



Remote Sensing, NDVI, Sentinel-2A, Land Cover


The advancement of remote sensing technology has led to the development of sophisticated image processing methods that yield highly accurate land cover classification information, minimizing misinterpretations. The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) is a widely utilized method in remote sensing for measuring green vegetation. A significant portion of the Jember Regency area is covered by vegetation. This study aimed to identify various land cover types in the Jember Regency area, quantify the area for each classification, and establish the NDVI value ranges for each type of cover. Sentinel-2 was employed as the primary data source, and the NDVI method was utilized for land cover classification in the Jember Regency. The region exhibited diverse land cover types. Data from Sentinel-2A captured in June and October 2019 were chosen due to their accessibility, open-source nature, and adequate spectral, spatial, and temporal resolution. The classification in this study encompassed five classes: water bodies, settlements, dry fields, irrigated paddy fields, and forests. Error analysis was conducted using a confusion matrix with the Overall and Kappa algorithms. The accuracy results for June indicated a Kappa Accuracy of 37.7% and Overall Accuracy of 54.5%. In October, the Kappa Accuracy increased to 39.9%, and the Overall Accuracy reached 56.5%. In conclusion, the NDVI method did not meet the criteria for accurately interpreting land cover classification.


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How to Cite

Nadzirah, R., Rizqon, M. K., & Indarto, I. (2024). Application of Sentinel-2A Images for Land Cover Classification Using NDVI in Jember Regency. Geosfera Indonesia, 9(1), 41–55.



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