Landslide Hazard Analysis Using a Multilayered Approach Based on Various Input Data Configurations


Landslide is a natural disaster that occurs mostly in hill areas. Landslide hazard mapping is used to classify the prone areas to mitigate the risk of landslide hazards. This paper aims to compare spatial landslide prediction performance using an artificial neural network (ANN) model based on different data input configurations, different numbers of hidden neurons, and two types of normalization techniques on the data set of Penang Island, Malaysia. The data set involves twelve landslide influencing factors in which five factors are in continuous values, while the remaining seven are in categorical/discrete values. These factors are considered in three different configurations, i.e., original (OR), frequency ratio (FR), and mixed-type (MT) data, which act as an input to train the ANN model separately. A significant effect on the final output is the number of hidden neurons in the hidden layer. In addition, three data configurations are processed using two different normalization methods, i.e., mean-standard deviation (Mean-SD) and Min-Max. The landslide causative data often consist of correlated information caused by overlapping of input instances. Therefore, the principal component analysis (PCA) technique is used to eliminate the correlated information. The area under the receiver of characteristics (ROC) curve, i.e., AUC is also applied to verify the produced landslide hazard maps. The best result of AUC for both Mean-SD and Min-Max with PCA schemes are 96.72% and 96.38%, respectively. The results show that Mean-SD with PCA of MT data configuration yields the best validation accuracy, AUC, and lowest AIC at 100 number of hidden neurons. MT data configuration with the Mean-SD normalization and PCA scheme is more robust and stable in the MLP model's training for landslide prediction. 

Keywords: Landslide; ANN; Hidden Neurons; Normalization; PCA; ROC; Hazard map


Copyright (c) 2021 Geosfera Indonesia and Department of Geography Education, University of Jember

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How to Cite
HUQQANI, Ilyas Ahmad; TIEN, Tay Lea; MOHAMAD-SALEH, Junita. Landslide Hazard Analysis Using a Multilayered Approach Based on Various Input Data Configurations. Geosfera Indonesia, [S.l.], v. 6, n. 1, p. 20-39, apr. 2021. ISSN 2614-8528. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 22 dec. 2024. doi:
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