The Facies and Metamorphism Types Determination of Metamorphic Rock in The Part of Mekongga Complex

  • M. Musnajam Mining Engineering Study Program, Universitas Sembilanbelas November Kolaka, Jl. Pemuda 339, Kolaka, 93561, Indonesia
  • Ahmad Tarmidzi Abd Karim Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Parit Raja, Batu Pahat Johor, 86400, Malaysia
  • N. Nurfadillah Department of Geology Engineering, Universitas Halu Oleo, Kampus Hijau Bumi Tridharma Anduonou, Kendari, 93132, Indonesia
  • Fahrudi Ahwan Ikhsan Department of Geography Education, Universitas Jember, Jl. Kalimantan 37, Jember, 68121, Indonesia
  • Andri Estining Sejati Geography Education Study Program, Universitas Sembilanbelas November Kolaka, Jl. Pemuda 339, Kolaka, 93561, Indonesia


Lambolemo Village is geomorphologically dominated by hilly slopes morphology. Lithology in the form of metamorphic rocks are mica schists and chlorite schists. The present research aimed to determine the facies and metamorphism types of metamorphic rocks in Lambolemo Village. The research methods engaged  were field observation and laboratory observation utilizing petrographic analysis. Observations stage generated texture data and set of mineral both macroscopically and microscopically. The minerals were discovered within metamorphic rock of the research area, namely: muscovite, quartz, biotite, and chlorite. These findings then classified into two zones, there were chlorite zone and biotite zone. These zones were embodied into greenschist facies with chlorite mineral index. The greenschist facies was characterized with chlorite, albit, epidote, and actinolite minerals appearance. The metamorphic rock had a foliation structure. The structure was commonly generated by a regional metamorphic process, which was particularly a feature of the clear alignment, translucent minerals from flat minerals, such as : mica, chlorite and minerals that obtained fibers or scents.

Keywords: Determination; Facies; Metamorfism Type


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How to Cite
MUSNAJAM, M. et al. The Facies and Metamorphism Types Determination of Metamorphic Rock in The Part of Mekongga Complex. Geosfera Indonesia, [S.l.], v. 5, n. 2, p. 250-267, july 2020. ISSN 2614-8528. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 07 jan. 2025. doi:
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