Improving the Seventh Grade Students’ Reading Comprehension Achievement by Using Mind Mapping Technique at Itisam Wittaya Foundation School

  • Rachnok Lahab University of Jember
  • Siti Masrifatul Fitriyah Universitas Jember
  • I Putu Sukmaantara Universitas Jember


This research focused on Improving the Seventh Grade Students’ Reading Comprehension Achievement by Using Mind Mapping Technique at Itisam Wittaya Foundation School this research aims to fill in the gap and focus on investigating the use of mind mapping technique to improve students’ reading comprehension achievement on the seventh grade students of Itisam Wittaya Foundation School.

How to Cite
LAHAB, Rachnok; FITRIYAH, Siti Masrifatul; SUKMAANTARA, I Putu. Improving the Seventh Grade Students’ Reading Comprehension Achievement by Using Mind Mapping Technique at Itisam Wittaya Foundation School. EFL Education Journal, [S.l.], v. 9, n. 2, p. 265-291, aug. 2022. ISSN 2338-4190. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 20 sep. 2024. doi:

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