Students' Perspectives on Their Parents' Involvement in Their L2 English Learning

  • Nisa Sabila Husein Jember University
  • Bambang Suharjito Jember University
  • Made Adi Andayani T Jember University


In the past few years, parental involvement as an important factor in students’ English learning had been investigated. Though parents might feel like they were contributing to their children's English learning, how their children really felt toward their involvement was another aspect that needs to be investigated.  In response to this, this research investigated the students’ perspectives on their parents’ involvement in their L2 English learning using a descriptive case study design. The findings revealed that students perceived parental involvement as important. The students’ attitudes were also found to be mostly positive. Furthermore, most of the students stated that there were some kinds of parental involvement that they wished their parents had done to help them achieve their goals in their English learning, namely sending to an English camp and studying English at home. Accordingly, this study suggested that parents should have paid more attention to what their children wanted when it came to their English learning, especially when their children were mature enough to understand the importance of English and when they knew what they wanted in their English learning.

How to Cite
HUSEIN, Nisa Sabila; SUHARJITO, Bambang; ANDAYANI T, Made Adi. Students' Perspectives on Their Parents' Involvement in Their L2 English Learning. EFL Education Journal, [S.l.], v. 9, n. 1, p. 38-51, mar. 2022. ISSN 2338-4190. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 01 feb. 2025. doi:

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