Pelaksanaan Program Smart Transport Sekolah di Kota Mojokerto Tahun 2017 The Implementation of School Smart Transport Program in Mojokerto City in 2017)
study aims to describe the implementation of School Smart Transport Program in
Mojokerto City in 2017. This descriptive stu dy employed a qualitative approach. Data
were collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. Then, the data were
analyzed by using interactive analysis of Miles and Huberman which consisted of data
reduction, data presentation, and drawing c onclusion. To test the data validity,
researchers used source and technique triangulations. The theory used to analyze the
implementation of School Smart Transport Program was owned by Van Meter and Van
Horn with six variables namely standard and policy ta rget, resource, characteristics of
implementing organization, communication between implementing organizations,
communication between related organizations, implementing activities, and social,
economic and political environments. Based on the findings, th e implementation of
School Smart Transport Program run in accordance with the established track or route,
but the Mojo E Transchool application was not optimally used by the community.
Keywords: i mplementation , program, and School Smart Transport
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