Evaluasi Program GEMERLAP di Desa Candisari Kecamatan Sambeng: Studi Deskriptif pada Kelompok Tani Holtikultura “Godong Ijo Sejahtera” ( Evaluation of GEMERLAP Program in Candisari Village, Sambeng Subdistrict: Descriptive Study of Horticultural Farmers '
This research aims to evaluate the program of the Movement to Build a Village Based Society Economy in
Candisari village, Sambengsub district. This descriptive research employed a qualitative approach. The
informants were determined purposively. Research data were collected through observation, interview, and
documentation. Data were analyzed by using interactive analysis of Miles and Huberman which consisted
of data reduction, data presentatio n, and drawing conclusion. To test data validity, researchers used source
triangulation. The theory used in evaluating the Movement to Build a Village Based Society Economy was
William N Dunn's evaluation theory. Based on the findings, from the six William N Dunn criteria used to
evaluate, only two were fulfilled namely leveling and accuracy. While the other four criteria, namely
effectiveness, efficiency, adequacy, and responsiveness were still poor. This condition was due to several
factors, namely the la ck of optimal effort of government in implementing the program and overcoming the
epidemics. This condition happened because the Calina Papaya program was not included in the Road
Map of the Office of Food Crops, Plantation, and Horticulture.
pro gram evaluation , GEMERLAP
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