Permana, Nanda, Dhika Faiz Fadrian, Belista Gunawan, Ayu Alvita Primastika, Fardhan Rafshan Zani, Fadhlur Rahman, Zahra Prameswari Binonkan, Faris Fawwas Subekti, Melly Melly, Tazkia Izdihar Bahagia, & Ahmad Rizieq Harist. " Identification of Geothermal Potential in Block Ciasmara Sector II, Mount Salak Area, Based on the Correlation of the Active Directory Magnetotelluric (ADMT) and Self-Potential Methods." Computational And Experimental Research In Materials And Renewable Energy [Online], 6.2 (2023): 49-60. Web. 22 Dec. 2024