Development for E-Module for Plant Physiology Courses to Increase Student’s Critical Thinking Skills
This media development aims to develop, validate, practicality and effectiveness of e-modules designed to enhance critical thinking skills in Plant Physiology Course. The e-module focused on plant translocation, cell respiration, and development and growth factors. The research follows R&D using the Lee & Owens model, which includes five stages (1) analysis, (2) design, (3) development, (4) implementation, and (5) evaluation. The study involved 33 third-semester biology education students at the State University of Malang. Result from the validation process show that the media achieved a 95% validation rate, categorized as "Very Valid", while the material validation scored 100% also "Very Valid", practitioner validation scored 93.9% falling into the "Very Valid". The practicality test obtained a score of 88.6% indicating "Very Practical". The effectiveness test obtained based on pretest and posttest scores from experimental and control groups, resulted in an N-gain score of 0.53 included in the "Moderate". Based on the test results that the e-modules for plant physiology courses to increase student’s critical thinking skilss is said are valid, practical, and effective.
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