The Development of Electronic Modules Based on Problem Based Learning Integrating Disaster Mitigation in Environmental Change Material to Increase Critical Thinking Skills of Students

  • Sinta Kusuma Dewi University of Malang
  • Hadi Suwono University of Malang
  • Hendra Susanto University of Malang


An e-module is a learning media designed to assist students in discovering and solving problems independently and can be used practically and flexibly. The purpose of this paper is to produce a PBL-based integrated disaster mitigation e-module on environmental change material that is valid, practical and effective. The e-module development used the development model by (Lee & Owens, 2004). E-modules were validated by material experts, learning media experts, biology education experts and practitioners. Furthermore, the e-modules were tested on students in individual, small group and field trials. In the field trial, the e-module was applied in biology learning. Based on the N-Gain test score between pretest and posttest, it is known that the experimental class is in the high category and the control class is in the medium-high category. The results prove that the e-module developed is valid, practical and effective, so it can be used in learning activities that can improve students' critical thinking skills.


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How to Cite
DEWI, Sinta Kusuma; SUWONO, Hadi; SUSANTO, Hendra. The Development of Electronic Modules Based on Problem Based Learning Integrating Disaster Mitigation in Environmental Change Material to Increase Critical Thinking Skills of Students. BIOEDUKASI, [S.l.], p. 204-211, oct. 2023. ISSN 2580-0094. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 27 july 2024. doi:

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